
The benefits, if you want to change in the private health insurance who by the legal private health insurance want to switch to, who can do so only under very specific conditions. Basically, all workers are legally obliged. Only from annual income, which is located in the year 2009 48.600 euros, can be changed. Monthly you must earn more than 4050 euros gross. And then a change is also possible, exceeding three years in a row this limit. Two other occupational groups, who can choose whether they legally or privately want to make sure are the officials and the Freelancer, so the self-employed.

What kind of insurance for a now represents the most advantageous, that must bring a PKV comparison to the light of day. For, unlike statutory insurance, where the monthly fee varies according to the income, with the private health insurance contribution determined in accordance with several criteria: The age plays a role here, women pay in principle as the sex more than Men, the health and even the profession. It is not always said that a private health insurance scheme takes the insurance willing. She may also refuse him due to health problems. Or the post accordingly put upwards. Then well saved by the change, which expect out from case to case.

Now have no concerns but that he could find no insurance. It should be really so that all private insurance companies reject a recording, you can back still in the legal, which must establish a. Who is self-employed in the search for a cheap insurance, the good to go freelance in the search for private health insurance. He finds many vendors, who can make a comparison and non-binding offers.

Deposit Accounts

What is deposit accounts? Are these useful for all savers? Deposit accounts are an interesting alternative to conventional money market accounts or the popular savings account. The advantage of the fixed-term deposit account is a backup of the interest rate and the term, which means you can enjoy a fixed, non-variable interest rate over the period agreed in advance (30, 60, 90, 180, or 360 days or a longer period of time). The fixed deposit account interest rates are generally higher than in money market accounts, because the customer can not have the entire period his money. This form of investment is therefore not suited to the popularly known “nest egg”. Is also laid down in this form of investment typically a minimum investment amount, this is generally less than 10,000 euros, can exceed this sum but just from private banks, also.

Therefore, a careful Festgeldkontenvergleich should be performed at the selection in advance. For this, you can use various online platforms, offered the comparison of these accounts. In paragraphs investment term, interest rate, minimum deposit amount and deposit insurance, some providers differ considerably. The customer should consider in advance whether a fixed-term deposit account is equal to his investor profile or whether it rather creates his money on a high-interest free checking account or a tag account. You should do this especially if you would like to have the money even at short notice. The plant form of the fixed-term deposit account is very good interest to represent a risk for the investor.

This is because that the banks due to the fixed investment term planning security can enjoy. Nowadays, the range of deposit accounts is much lower than on money market accounts, because the banks adapted to the needs of their customers, who want to have more and more about their money freely and promptly. Conclusion: Before you decide on a provider for deposit accounts, you should look around carefully comparisons on a financial portal for fixed deposit account, to obtain the maximum amount of interest in the best conditions.

Vergleich Comparison

Tips when replacing motor insurance at the end of the year going gangbusters precisely at the turn of the year, the online comparison portal for insurance. The comparison of car insurance is particularly popular. A saving is for almost every car driver in there, sometimes several hundred euros”promotes the annual comparison of car insurance even Stiftung Warentest. In fact, the online comparison calculator frequently offer a good potential for savings in the area of motor insurance if the car was previously insured with an expensive company. Note, however, that an online Exchange can cause problems also.

Existing special classifications or inadvertently false information in the online comparison calculator can negatively in hindsight, such as a future significant price increase. Many comparison portals are not suitable for commercial vehicles. Depending on the comparison calculator, the results are not always clear and unambiguous: may determine the insurer in case of collision damage waiver claim the workshop itself, to what extent the insurer for gross negligence is, how strong you in a claim again promoted? The comparison portals to ensure transparency in the confusing. Not all portals can afford this. It is crucial that one finds a low-cost insurer, has a good overall package in terms of the conditions and the service in the event of damage. “Problematic: A best” comparison portal is there not at least in this year.

Different comparison calculator take into account different societies and tariffs. To find a best possible result, you would have to use therefore more than just a comparison program. Contact: Bergische Assekuranzmakler GmbH, Lise-Meitner-Strasse 5-9, 42119 Wuppertal phone: 0202-317 13 155 fax: 0202-317 13 165 car Vergleich.BASS contact for the press: Karsten Werksnies the Wuppertal-based company Bergische Assekuranzmakler GmbH provides independent and impartial information about various insurance products. Our goal is that our customers receive the most powerful insurance products at affordable prices. We would that our customers in the event of damage are satisfied with their insurance company. You need powerful rates from reliable insurance companies. At the same time you should but do not pay more for this protection as necessary. BASS-Makler.

Fund Flat

The flat rate tax coming. This article shows what this exactly means and you can benefit from as a saver. From 2009, the flat tax comes into force. Thus 25% will realised investment gains, interest and dividends tax lump-sum due. To come still 5.5% solidarity surcharge and any church. This enormous cut the withholding tax is probably one of the largest tax increases in recent years and reduced the planned returns of the pension usually by more than 25%.

As of 2009 it is therefore no matter how long one has to keep securities. Is the twelve-month period of speculation, as spending for the Save with a standard amount be lump-sum EUR 801 (if unmarried) capped. The background is that tax honesty and therefore the tax collection was more than sketchy in the profitable investment area. With the introduction of the flat tax as a flat tax the State accesses a level formerly directly and forestalls to 25%. Therefore eliminates the tax explanation for this Income. Therefore, only those benefit from the flat tax, which normally would have to pay more than the new withholding tax on your covered earnings so mostly rich people. For all those whose personal tax rate is below 25%, it is definitely financially poor.

How to benefit from tax depends on the personal tax rate. Poorer”will benefit from the flat tax, especially by the fact that they handle the new tax. Rich”win, however, they try to take advantage of the flat rate tax from 2009. Is the question, what the tax primarily attacks common to both? The withholding tax applies in particular shareholders. Who so on the stock exchange shares invested in and realized the value increases as gains, the flat tax will share the. In particular the time transition rules and deadlines are important. The flat tax meets all gains on shares you have purchased after January 1, 2009. For all shares purchased prior to January 1, 2009, it remains the previous scheme (grandfathering). To fund the scheme is unfortunately not so simple, because it depends of the investment priorities of the Fund, if and when the flat tax takes. Equity funds are regarded as a direct investment, so subject to distributed profits of the final withholding tax – if you invest after January 1, 2009 in the Fund. Otherwise, the “grandfathering” attacks again, so that the withholding tax does not apply, even if the Fund managers themselves internally switches the shares in the Fund. Therefore managed equity funds are active very very interesting, because these equity funds require little interaction and corrections on the part of the investor itself. This allows to crack down on the flat tax, even if you realize the gains much later than 2009. Due to a current opinion of the Government, this offence is no longer changed. Some advisers recommend preferable all Fund purchases – if necessary financed with the help of a loan. Considering the high risk of the last alternative is all the more the advantage of this form of investment clearer. Open-ended real estate funds are subject to the withholding tax also basically because their payments are considered income from capital assets.

Criticism Insurance

Industry experts see how of the tester critical Stiftung Warentest was founded in 1964 on the decision of the Federal Government, to provide consumers an independent institution for product and product testing with the target. “” Since 1991 there is test “also the consumer magazine” in addition to the magazine. In this, including financial and insurance products are checked with regard to their quality. So, the disability insurance was previously assessed by Stiftung Warentest in several tests. The last was however heavily criticized by security experts. Regular testing of occupational policies of the occupational disability insurance by Stiftung Warentest test should help consumers to find a powerful and cheap BU police, or to be able to assess existing policies in the market comparison.

After the last time a big test was performed in the year 2011, the tester in the July issue checked 2013 again 75 private Disability insurance. “This cut around three quarters of offers, a total of 58 policies, with the top grade very good” off. The testers of the Stiftung Warentest rated this as message positive for the consumer. Finally, this means that the quality of the offers would have improved noticeably. Test distributed to good grades other experts were however not with criticism coming. Therefore, only so good results were obtained, because in this case for the disability insurance Stiftung Warentest has taken into account to a few criteria for the test. So some have very good”exchanged rates on significant performance shortcomings.

Also people had been into a risk exposed occupation to, choose a shorter term of insurance to save costs. Thus, if the disability risk is particularly high, the insured but just shortly before the pension are no longer financially viable. Stiftung Warentest Although rejected the criticism on their test, but you should test results with caution enjoy. Review by independent security testing tests such as those by Stiftung Warentest can provide a good orientation in the confusing of the insurance. However, even a very good test is only partially meaningful. Because the reviews are made on the basis of sample customers. Their data differ greatly from the own living conditions, the winner may be little for your own situation. Consumers should trust therefore, when selecting a good disability insurance on a personal consultation.

And Best

I put over me if it could really work, one such high amount of money in such a short time to be able to earn. As once again a charge reminders and money payments fluttered in my mailbox, I thought once again of this email and thought to myself that I have really nothing to lose. I sat so on my computer and sought out the email from my Recycle Bin and read Word for Word it me. What I had to lose, if I followed the plan in this email? Especially when you consider that my prospects for the future were not really intoxicating. I had to do something and what if it really works? So, I put aside my doubts and made the first step.

I followed the instructions that have been submitted to me in this email. The implementation took less than 30 minutes and it cost me a ridiculous 4,-euro! The consequences were overwhelming! End of 2010 I could do together with my best buddy for 4 weeks holiday in Australia and I bought a brand new BMW 7ner. In the fall of 2010, I bought a condo for something less than 165.000,-euro. And Best of all: I owe anyone a single penny! To this day I earned 278.846,-euros with this plan. My financial advisor has put me on a cash flow and predicts that I will be a millionaire within the next 60 months with this business plan. I think it’s still amazing. how my life recently but still beneficial has developed. I like most people worked hard and fought and then drops me something ridiculously simple, such as a drop in your lap and turning my life around 180 degrees. When I think back how many similar emails did I get and they simply deleted, it runs down cold back me, because now I know that it works.