Management Control

new version 1.5 now available! -Management system from the cloud of the future with sphinx management Leitstand open online’-new version 1.5 now available! End of July has come, the latest version of the unique software sphinx open online is available. Thus, additional function modules, integrated support for mobile devices, as well as a variety of new features available are the customers. The applicability of and over the Internet in the focus is in the development of the server components. The management system of the cloud is so’ to reality. Flexible function modules enable the recording of data points (Historization), the analysis of time series, as well as their preparation of charts (charting). Still, calculated data points are supported which are derived from other data points.

So the consumption and production of energy can for example be recorded and analyzed. Subprime loans has much to offer in this field. Another application area is the record of actual values, identify error sources or proof of important operating parameters (E.g. cold) to lead. A focal point of development was placed on the unique uniform support of the market-leading mobile devices. So, an Android version of the available clients is now in addition to the support of iOS for Apple devices. In addition the support of Windows Mobile. Soo Manager visualizations can be efficiently and cross-platform build and also new opportunities parameterized easy without programming. So, new fields of application without special knowledge can be solved.

In the simplest case relevant data in the form of an MS EXCEL file can be provided cyclically the soo server over the Web. Sphinx acquires the rest of open online, and each provides the latest information for decision makers and management provide simple, transparent and this also on the Smartphone. Have you solved overarching visualization the theme in your management system? In addition to visualization techniques in 2D and 3D, are consistent Methods of data processing and a central data storage with event processing an important prerequisite.

Lean Management

Managers analyze examples of best practice in the field of lean and change management in a day workshop and develop new strategies for action. A X-Lab, say one-day workshop for experts on the subject of lean and change management consultancy Dr. Kraus & partner, Bruchsal, performs on February 26 in Hamburg. There experienced managers and executives about their experiences with lean and change management projects interact. Together, they determine the success factors for such projects on the basis of best practices and reflect the resulting implications for their organization. This is the overarching aim, among like-minded people to design new concepts and strategies for the introduction of lean management, as well as the achievement of the desired cultural change in companies. This presupposes that the participants have a comparable experience background; Furthermore, that the group is so composed that, the companies of the participating managers facing challenges, openly discussed can be.

That’s why they are Invitations to the X Lab personally by the Board of directors by Dr. Kraus & partner. Those interested can register at Katja von Bergen (email: Mobile: 0163 / 267-30-18). “The X Lab in Hamburg, the exact title: lean & interchange management: how changing the Organization of your company, with lean management and you positively impact the culture?” At the one-day event, among others, the Managing Director of the consultancy of Dr. Georg Kraus will hold two interactive pulse presentations. In them he advocates, often as a method to understand lean management not as in the past.

Rather, author of several organisation development books for pleads to understand a process, which aims to change the culture of a company, as well as increasing its performance and competitiveness of lean management as a process. After the impulse lectures the participants edit together in working groups how burning questions around the two themes I do ensure a sustainable change in the corporate culture with lean management?”and how I can find a good way of the pure lean methods to lean coaching?”. ” While the participating managers and executives about their practical experiences Exchange himself, to develop new solutions based on the best practices. Participation in the X Lab will cost 139 euros (+ VAT). The food is included in the price. “For more info about the X Lab in Hamburg on lean & change management” are interested in on the Web page of consulting Dr. Kraus & partner, Bruchsal (). “More X-Labs, among the topics almost engineering” as well as sales and corporate strategy “held in Stuttgart in Frankfurt respectively on April 23 on April 16.

Arbeistssicherheit In Surgeries

Occupational safety (is compulsory even without QM introduction!) Occupational safety (is compulsory even without QM introduction!) Many security-related processes and areas or hazards for employees and also for patients can be found in a medical / dental practice. For this reason, every owner of practice based on numerous legal and berufsgenossenschaftlicher legislation to do so is obliged to ensure safe workplaces (security in his doctor’s Office). The following laws are to meet: occupational safety and Health Act BG rules medical product Act infection Protection Act the contractor/practice owner is obliged to identify all potential hazards, to assess the risks involved, and to assess and if necessary to take counter-measures. These are form a written risk assessment for each individual threat which is documented by the business/practice owner. Protocols of practice inspections are not sufficient and cannot substitute for the risk assessments. According to the work safety law the business/practice owner from the appropriate specialists (E.g.: operating physician, specialist for occupational safety) support. There is independent of the number of employees different childcare facilities: rule support for companies/offices up to 10 employees consists of the basic care care. Here, an inspection by company doctor or specialist for occupational safety is required and must be repeated every 5 years thereafter.

Rule support for companies/offices with more than 10 employees is since 1 January 2011 in the DGUV V2 (German statutory accident insurance) regulated and replaced the BGV A2 (consists of two modules). There are fixed annual industry-specific appointments for occupational physician and specialist for occupational safety for the basic care. The employer/practice owner on the basis of a catalogue of performance and in consultation with the occupational physician and specialist for occupational safety determines the necessary amount of additional company-specific care. Alternative demand-oriented care is now also possible for medical practices with up to 50 employees and consists of an entrepreneurship training in occupational safety and health, initial and then every 5 years. The practice owner can then largely self-taught the occupational health and safety care in his practice and must be more firmly commit a company doctor or no specialist for occupational safety, but only when needed or on other special occasions involve the entrepreneur training takes 6 hours to hand documents and film sets of the BGW carried out. Training content: entrepreneur obligations introduction to the occupational health and safety organisation of the occupational health and safety in the business/practice conducting a risk assessment

Social. Economically. Sustainable. Germans Value Fabric GmbH Opts For Menze + Cook

collect about 700,000 people actively recycling materials, so only about 1% of the population. The decentralized value fabric collection is considered a growth industry though this leads a shadowy existence due to lack of public advertising. Many citizens have still no knowledge of the private collection systems for recycling materials and their environmental benefits. With the creation of a new, national brand, the DWG wants to increase the awareness of the decentralized recyclable material collection. For including called a Web platform that makes all information experience on the topic of recyclables, sustainability and recycling for customers, partners, companies and clubs and organizations. The service will be popularized nationally involving existing social networks.

For example the possibility for clubs and organizations to set their own projects in the network and to operate a kind of fundraising for charitable projects is new. Menze + Cook for communications for the DWG Deutsche value fabric GmbH is in the future and their brands paper Bank”, SALTING, and the two newly establishing brands responsible. This includes all activities in the fields of business, online and social media communication strategy consultation and the classic communication for the German and international market. Silvio Koch