Pedagogical Management

Thus it is necessary to the educators of the society of the critical knowledge, to invest in the formation of educandos that have a directed vision to have it citizen, who apprehends knowing, that she questions and that she thinks critically. We must educate stops beyond the walls of the school, that can find forms to teach involving the families, making understanding them that, mainly, the basic Education as base of the socialization of the personal relations and social, it does not only have to be responsibility of the school, must be responsibility shared between all the actors who are responsible or co-responsible of the education in the objective to direct for a future of the exercise of the citizenship and a world of the work, each more demanding time. The period of training also understood experiences of Pertaining to school Management in which I could observe the dynamics that understands the Administrative and Financial Management, Pedagogical Management and of Human resources. The Administrative Management charges – of physical part bureaucratic of the school, that the building involves, equipment, materials, legislation and activities of secretariat and it answers for the part of finances of the school. The Pedagogical Management defines the line of education, the goals to be reached, taking in account the objectives and the profile of its pupils.

It must evaluate the income of the practical ones adopted, to detect and to correct eventual errors if necessary, together with the team of involved professors. The Management of Human resources manages the good course of the pertaining to school activities focando in keeping the involved people in the comprometimento of the routine and the new features of the school. It made me to the period of training to reflect on the identity of the school that we want and the importance of the same one for the evolution of the society of igualitria form, being motivated for a school that is for all.