Criticism Insurance

Industry experts see how of the tester critical Stiftung Warentest was founded in 1964 on the decision of the Federal Government, to provide consumers an independent institution for product and product testing with the target. “” Since 1991 there is test “also the consumer magazine” in addition to the magazine. In this, including financial and insurance products are checked with regard to their quality. So, the disability insurance was previously assessed by Stiftung Warentest in several tests. The last was however heavily criticized by security experts. Regular testing of occupational policies of the occupational disability insurance by Stiftung Warentest test should help consumers to find a powerful and cheap BU police, or to be able to assess existing policies in the market comparison.

After the last time a big test was performed in the year 2011, the tester in the July issue checked 2013 again 75 private Disability insurance. “This cut around three quarters of offers, a total of 58 policies, with the top grade very good” off. The testers of the Stiftung Warentest rated this as message positive for the consumer. Finally, this means that the quality of the offers would have improved noticeably. Test distributed to good grades other experts were however not with criticism coming. Therefore, only so good results were obtained, because in this case for the disability insurance Stiftung Warentest has taken into account to a few criteria for the test. So some have very good”exchanged rates on significant performance shortcomings.

Also people had been into a risk exposed occupation to, choose a shorter term of insurance to save costs. Thus, if the disability risk is particularly high, the insured but just shortly before the pension are no longer financially viable. Stiftung Warentest Although rejected the criticism on their test, but you should test results with caution enjoy. Review by independent security testing tests such as those by Stiftung Warentest can provide a good orientation in the confusing of the insurance. However, even a very good test is only partially meaningful. Because the reviews are made on the basis of sample customers. Their data differ greatly from the own living conditions, the winner may be little for your own situation. Consumers should trust therefore, when selecting a good disability insurance on a personal consultation.