Fund Flat

The flat rate tax coming. This article shows what this exactly means and you can benefit from as a saver. From 2009, the flat tax comes into force. Thus 25% will realised investment gains, interest and dividends tax lump-sum due. To come still 5.5% solidarity surcharge and any church. This enormous cut the withholding tax is probably one of the largest tax increases in recent years and reduced the planned returns of the pension usually by more than 25%.

As of 2009 it is therefore no matter how long one has to keep securities. Is the twelve-month period of speculation, as spending for the Save with a standard amount be lump-sum EUR 801 (if unmarried) capped. The background is that tax honesty and therefore the tax collection was more than sketchy in the profitable investment area. With the introduction of the flat tax as a flat tax the State accesses a level formerly directly and forestalls to 25%. Therefore eliminates the tax explanation for this Income. Therefore, only those benefit from the flat tax, which normally would have to pay more than the new withholding tax on your covered earnings so mostly rich people. For all those whose personal tax rate is below 25%, it is definitely financially poor.

How to benefit from tax depends on the personal tax rate. Poorer”will benefit from the flat tax, especially by the fact that they handle the new tax. Rich”win, however, they try to take advantage of the flat rate tax from 2009. Is the question, what the tax primarily attacks common to both? The withholding tax applies in particular shareholders. Who so on the stock exchange shares invested in and realized the value increases as gains, the flat tax will share the. In particular the time transition rules and deadlines are important. The flat tax meets all gains on shares you have purchased after January 1, 2009. For all shares purchased prior to January 1, 2009, it remains the previous scheme (grandfathering). To fund the scheme is unfortunately not so simple, because it depends of the investment priorities of the Fund, if and when the flat tax takes. Equity funds are regarded as a direct investment, so subject to distributed profits of the final withholding tax – if you invest after January 1, 2009 in the Fund. Otherwise, the “grandfathering” attacks again, so that the withholding tax does not apply, even if the Fund managers themselves internally switches the shares in the Fund. Therefore managed equity funds are active very very interesting, because these equity funds require little interaction and corrections on the part of the investor itself. This allows to crack down on the flat tax, even if you realize the gains much later than 2009. Due to a current opinion of the Government, this offence is no longer changed. Some advisers recommend preferable all Fund purchases – if necessary financed with the help of a loan. Considering the high risk of the last alternative is all the more the advantage of this form of investment clearer. Open-ended real estate funds are subject to the withholding tax also basically because their payments are considered income from capital assets.