San Nicholas

As they will see more ahead, it has been impelling of each of her descendants, in addition, she is eternal student, she compiles the most incredible things and she gives equal him, if she is classic Literature, religious, old or modern. Everything is recopilable, everything must have a special interest for my Samy. It owns a flock of birds voice, when it sings emulates trinar of birds. Its fort is the poetry, with a prodigious memory, it remembers verses of its childhood, its youth, from always. Its hobbie to write, does by day and night, consists to me has tens of notebooks that testify their restlessness.

Its own philosophy of the life. Its talent: special connoisseur of the birthdays, onomsticos and festivals or reasons as to call and to make us call to each of our relatives and friendly His friendly group is recognized from always, would seem to be a species of San Nicholas, is pending to take a gift, a candy done by her, a chocolate, a fantasy. Its deal with grandsons is of friend, knows to listen and with them that sport practices. Since mother has been consequent, when one waits for except it, to any hour of the day or the night, she calls to us, to know as we are, to an answer and another question our similar, she always says equal, now I am better, far better fodder that envs to age, she must rejuvenecer. Then always it is every time better. Neither equal, nor worse. It is extremely ordinate, in our family sometimes our children ask to him conscientiously of her way of being closet orders his to him. In truth that is pleasant, putting its hand in it, seemed display cabinet of a luxury store. Each thing, each clothes besides being in its site shines like new doubles, them with such love, that it thus manages to heighten it to appreciate value and considers.