
The ground surveys and vegetation had been based on estudopr-existing carried through for Sousa (2006) and adapted for esteestudo, a time that the author made the mapping of the formaintegral basin, and in this study quecompreende worked only with the clipping of the basin the city of Ipor. After made the cartographic devidosajustamentos the pertinent levantamentosbibliogrficos had been carried through, as well as the crossing of the desolos information and native vegetation to verify if ground of same categoriadesenvolvem the same vegetal fitofisionomias, with the accomplishment of ummapa synthesis. The identification of the different fisionomias of vegetaofoi based in descriesbibliogrficas aspects of morphology as and not in taxionmicos aspects, where if et based nasdescries carried through for Magnago al (1983). The description of solosfoi made on the basis of the ground map 1:250.000 of the IBGE and levantamentoexploratrios in field and classified according to classification dEmbrapa (1999) .PALAVRAS KEYS: Fitofisionomia; ground; subbacia; correlation.

PRESENTATION to act on the natural way is necessary to know its gnese and the relation enters the elements composes that it, therefore the nature always answers of form differentiated and balanced to climatic, geologic, geomorfolgicos and pedolgicos the processes, what it can be visualized through different the Biomas terrestrial and Brazilian, and between them the Open pasture. In the case of Brazil, inside of its territorial limits (8.557.404 km ), it has a diversity of landscapes, composed for the interactions between diverse biomas they compose that it. Inside of this variety of landscape, it has that to consider that the Bioma Closed for possessing a diversity of characteristics, therefore in this Bioma if they can native vegetal covering and where conditions they disclose the State of Gois meet inserted total in this domain, being considered area Core of the Brazilian open pasture, and inside of this, the city of Ipor, object of this study, meets in the called meso-region center-goiano situated and the microregion of Ipor, situated between the parallels 1618 and 1638 of south latitude and 5030 and 5128 of longitude west.