Domain Management

((4) With the same authorization code, you can already begin the process to transfer the domain (transfer ir) towards your other Registrar, in this case to the Moniker 5 system) typically have to make an advance payment for 1 year extra (for something 8-10 us $) to complete the transfer, this same will be added on the date when it was normally the domain, once the process is complete (then that it is free, provided that you keep the property can comment). (6) Once the other recorder complete payment with the Registrar who receives the domain (transfer in), from where begins the process of transfer, in this case GoDaddy, need to confirm departure (transfer out) in the following location: Domain Management/Transfers/Transfers Out and do a check for acceptance. After this confirmation, you must be in the first 5 working days or there is the possibility that reject this process by security measures. (7) This transfer once everything is done, may take between 2 to 4 days, in case of any novelty, logically they will be notified by email. And so we finished, I hope you have been helpful. Remember to leave comments, suggestions, opinions, below..