The Children

The woman no longer wants more submissive. It is capable of generating their own livelihood. No longer needed to man so as to maintain it. Is organized and can work, study, keeping the children and also perform other functions. What’s left to man in this perspective? Treat this situation from a gender perspective is fine, it is what is expected, it is desirable. The masculine gender is responsible for all evil, of abuse, of inequality and not is much more.

But watching a little more, relationships and roles between men and women carry, and entail a myriad of circumstances. The roles are dictated by society. They are brewing by education. We learn them us by what we see from children. Culture strives to establish them. When, for some reason not been met as they should be fulfilled. Very severe judgments about people are heard.

Thus for example: b when a man does not give money to the House. It is considered a maintained and a desobligado. b in changing if the woman works, and this out of the House a considerable time, they point to their situation and is always the one that has expressions, how: why your children are as they are, yes she not putting them attention! Nobody can give the width in any way for what is expected of social roles. The reality is that families and couples establish their balances in daily life according to what each Member of the couple can contribute and wants. Who does what and how: refers to that in a world like today. What each Member of the couple performs is a contribution to the project’s partner. No matter what are the expected socially roles. The dictates of society and those around us are full of preconceived ideas. At this moment, all the functions, roles, mate choice, economy, everything absolutely shown blurred.