El Guarani

At present nearly two million children, youth and adults studying Guarani, of the nearly six million which we are according to the last census. Despite the tremendous discussion that accompanies the implementation of the Guarani in education – what we believe is healthy and it should be normal – in reference to the contents, methodology and evaluation; in the background, all – with sporadic exceptions – are committed to the presence of the Guarani in the educational system. Guarani came also to universities. Today the student of medicine or journalism teaching or agricultural sciences or the future lawyer, etc. knows that it may not survive in the Paraguay if not speak Guarani. 4 ) El Guarani has a greater presence in the mass media. In this regard we note that there are numerous media (especially radio) companies, that have spaces for Guarani. There are also numerous commercials in Guarani.

Journalists who recognize the Guarani as a useful and indispensable working tool are also numerous. Moreover, lately, the Paraguayan Chamber of advertisers (CAP) asked national authorities that labelling of products of the Mercosur is also done in Guarani. 5 ) Permanent book publishing. This is another interesting aspect that we approaching new circumstance which plays live Guarani; Indeed, not goes a month without publish one or more books, magazines and other printed materials about the Guarani or Guarani – included in the latter group a new newspaper in Guarani: Ara. We all know that literature enhances the vitality of languages. 4. The Argentine situation in the Argentina always existed a positive awareness towards the Guarani in the Proviencias of the North, such as Corrientes, Formosa, Misiones, Chaco, resistance, Parana, Salta and others. A valuable sample constitutes today the province of Corrientes, which in late 2005 declared Guarani as official language along with Spanish. This achievement was due to the persistent campaign developed by Congressman Walter Insaurralde.