Mendo Rock Festival

Mendoza, City won the desert thanks to the thrust and strength of spirit of its people could not be less energetic when it comes to equip itself with a cultural infrastructure. The agenda in the Cuyo metropolis is wide and varied. Includes classical music, tango, rock, film screenings in short cycles from an infinite multiplicity of artistic manifestations that will make a visit of tourism Mendoza an enriching experience totally in tune with your tastes and preferences No matter whatever the era that the visitor choose to make a vacation in Mendoza, you can be assured that will match any of the various events that are held in the city of the province. The deep-rooted relationship between wine and culture is reflected in the Festival of classical music by the wine roads, dedicated to classical music and all authors, due to long duration, both in time as places of the pageant that unfolds throughout the province. But if the visitor is tilted by more popular expression and known internationally the music of argentina, will have to go to the Tango Festival of the wine roads.

You can get the passion of rhythms and dance more sensual in scenarios unique and suggestive. The proposal in Mendoza goes far beyond classical music or tango. Young people find their place in the Mendo Rock Festival where local bands come together more important to try to persuade a given audience. In addition, in the week Federal meet exhibitors from across the province who congregate in a display with all sorts of artistic manifestations, ranging from products for crafts or music and dances to samples of the gastronomy of each of the represented departments. One who has to stay at a hotel in Mendoza can attend the celebration of the many meetings, courses and disclosures that the authorities organized in order to publicize the audiovisual production of the creators from Mendoza. These and other many shows would be impossible to carry out without the existence of a real physical infrastructure.

Mendoza has theatres, cultural centres, museums and alternative spaces in such quantity that it should be maintaining a heterogeneous and entertaining daily programming for every taste. Mendoza population is so involved in the promotion of its economy and its cultural production that enables any environment as the pair setting all kinds of shows. Therefore, bodegas, bars, squares or libraries are often the decor chosen by many creators to publicize his work. It is very important to Mendoza not only maintaining an abundant production and quality but also that this would be subject to national and international markets. For this purpose have arbitrated agreements and exchanges that allow the mendocino author projection outside their scope at the time that attract exhibitions of foreign artists, which enrich even more the existence of the neighbor of the provincial capital. It is usual that in a tour package Mendoza to hire to stay a few days in Mendoza, include all or part of the cultural events that come together in every moment in this caring city. Just check the annual schedule to know what will be the proposal that made him at each station. If this article is useful, please share it.