Country Manager

You know: the work of the person responsible for training in organizations does not try to influence the Country Manager to acquire a business that could be a millionaire opportunity. Nor refers to persuade the IOC to invest in new software globally. It is another thing. Carry forward many dialogues is one, to understand why the company is directed towards a particular destination, observe with an open eye and another closed (and the half diagonal side) how are things, i.e. how they are today, to then define the gap, analyse its causes and intervene with strategic, not magic solutionsaligned to the vision of the business. Simple (do?).

But even so, and despite his best good intention to let me guess not always succeeds. In many cases has become it evident that the only thing achieved was to convince key managers to put the hook and are at the opening of the workshop (which, incidentally, is not) little, I congratulate him). But it is not enough. Yes it might it, if one wanted to keep RH inside an absolutely operating environment, but definitely not, if you would like to convert the area into a key contributor in the execution of the corporate strategy. You know what I’m talking about you. Then, before generating a change (and will take any controls media program that includes the theme of leadership as an example), there are questions and answers that should be checked. Why? Because the success of their intervention is direct function of the ability to respond with strength and confidence. May not be a problem for you answer the following four questions (that his boss could make him): to what extent will this program help to reduce a gap of competences at the organizational level? And position to higher RH and farther? And positively change the culture of a team? And gradually, change the behavior of an individual? If it was complicated at the time of expressing an response, go thinking them, but this article does not talk about them, but you, of how to prepare to take forward the initiative for change, from start to finish.