
There was once a common man, who lived in a common city. His life was common, Macfran had a common family, lived in a common neighborhood, had a common work, as well as you. A day like any other and suddenly left without a job. Notwithstanding initially that seemed bad news, it didn’t know what to expect. He always thought it would be easy for a person with their characteristics to find jobs and relocate immediately. I was accustomed to the security of the money, although he was not living with excesses, his life, it was comfortable more than wealthy. The first week took it in stride and he decided to take her quiet and relax a little, already for the next week said: very well now if I will go and find a new job.

He began to emphasize in the jobs section scoring the jobs they considered ideals and began making appointments to take their extraordinary resume. I was presented to the first appointment and after a long row, give your job application and be interviewed. At the end of a long wait they told him that they would speak to him. The story was repeated every day, week after week and month after month and employment did not. To pass the time and not finding work, things changed. Macfran began to despair at the lack of money, his face lathe is worried about the needs of having to feed, dress, pay rent, light, take to the doctor to their young and thousand more expenses and have no work.

The little money that was started has become scarce. The nights began to become the time of greatest anguish of their existence, tension and anguish grew, they were like invisible dragons against whom I did not know how to fight. These Dragons remembered him halfway through the morning all the problems I had and that seemed impossible to resolve.