One Toast

It was in a familiar meeting, of that uncles congregate, cousins and some friends more fond than it occurred in my house has 22 years, necessarily in June of 1989. To commemorate what? My new birth. I was born of new, after to pass 15 days interned in a UTI in the Hospital I am Camilo, in So Paulo. After a serious accident of car I had crniano trauma, where the medical team arrived to convoke my family in the hypothesis disconnect the devices kept that me alive. How we can shorten the life of a person and find that it could not more life? My family, clearly, did not authorize the accomplishment of the Euthanasia, therefore they had much faith in God and hope that I would react.

My neighbors, relatives and friends had made a chain of very strong conjunct. E, after 15 days in the UTI, I woke up for the LIFE! The doctors did not have explanation, but they only said: – It was a miracle! Still I remember as if he was today that when I woke up of ' ' sleep profundo' ' I perceived that everything to my redor one was prettier. When I arrived in my house I hugged all my familiar and said it: – They are close to me. I love very vocs! That good for being here again They had hugged me very to all. Many did not understand very because I said those words; but I yes, therefore for me was as if I had travelled for some returned time and later. I say that it was a species of ' ' trip astral' '. Then in a pretty sunday my mother carried through a great supper to celebrate my new birth. It was a total joy that we offer with champagne the victory of the life! Taste very of a music of Raul Seixas who says thus: ' ' It does not say that the song is lost, has faith in God, has faith in the life, tries another time ' ' Still today, every day when agreement I thank the God for the miracle of the life and pray the Conjunct of Gratefulness (my favourite conjunct): ' ' Obliged Gentleman, for my perfect arms, when he has as much mutilated; For my perfect eyes, when he has as much without light; For my voice that sings, when as much emudecem; For my hands that work when as much they beg; He is wonderful Gentleman, to have a home to come back, when as much do not have where to go; Over all, to have little to ask for and in such a way agradecer.' ' Valria Regina de Carballo