Management Dynamics

We found the paradoxical situation that in some pharmacies is carried out the same number of sales, or even this is greatly increased, with fewer benefits at the end of exercise, detailing the responsible of the Department work in Asefarma. Even, he adds, with the emergence in some autonomous communities, of certain delays in the payments of the recipes, some pharmacies have come to articulate dismissals for economic reasons. In addition, at the working level, could be noted the publication of the Convention’s pharmacy, forcing these to upgrade salaries and pay arrears accrued by wage differentials in previous years, explains the responsible of the Department work in Asefarma. Milestones in terms of work, but also in the legal aspect. As explains good Adela, Manager of the Department Legal Asefarma, August surprise pharmacists with a Royal Decree, the RD 9/2011, which made it for the first time sales between pharmacies as administrative offence, and that has meant a hard blow to them. Regarding the sale of pharmacies, the 2011 has been a year of opportunities. In fact, in Asefarma this year we have come to perform more operations than the previous year, thanks to security consultants as our troop, and especially because both buyers and sellers have come to realize there are excellent business opportunities in these times of change.

As explained by Carlos Garcia-Maurino, President of Asefarma, it is very important that mentality is considered as an opportunity this historical moment in which it is possible to buy pharmacies in unbeatable conditions. Delays that are happening in some autonomous communities. are cyclical and thus have to take them. A valuation and advice: you need more dynamic for the pharmacies Belinda Jimenez, responsible management of Management Dynamics pharmacies Asefarma, explains that, if something has been shown this 2011 at pharmacies is that the sector needs a breakthrough, an evolution. How do I sample? The trend in terms of the management and the grouping of purchases: If in countries like France 60% or 70% of the pharmacies are part of buying groups, in Spain barely reached 10%.