
Night macabra – Chapter 1 – a stranger the day was 6 of December of 1954 and I would go the party of anniversary of one of my friends. In the way until its house I lost myself and decided to ask for an information to some stranger who was that way. A high, lean boy, dress of black color and with melancholic appearance were stopped in the next esquina, although to find it a little strange and to be a little distrustful of speaking to it, he did not remain me another option, the street was empty and I already was from fear to pass the night rambling for the city, then breathed deep and were until it. It seemed not to perceive that I came close myself, until probably he heard my steps and if he capsized to look at. I did not obtain to wait that it said any thing and quickly spoke: – Can give to me an information? I am lost and I need to arrive in the avenue of the flowers. He knows you where is the address? Looked at it me as he analyzed if me for a time and later still me looking at it said: – Yes, I know where he is, but find that already this very late a senhorita to walk for there alone, if me to leave I I can follow it. I was aflita with the proposal, but what it had spoken did not leave to have reason, I thought with same me that it would not have danger to leave that folloied it me and that I age a silly one that only was with distrust for its exotic appearance, accepted at last. In the first minute we are walking in silence, until it at last spoke: – Avenue of the flowers? I already stow for there, I am not complicated to arrive.