
Application for compensation and at the same time targeted promotion of extracurricular help reading spelling to overcome. The compensation of your State provides that children with learning disorders, such as reading spelling or calculating weakness are treated as far as possible on an equal footing. This disadvantage offset Baden-Wurttemberg is regulated in the regulations of the Kulusministeriums for children and young people with disabilities and special educational needs (from August 22, 2008). The rules are complicated and are often misunderstood and applied. The following article is informative to correct the most common mistakes. Children and young people with learning disabilities are treated in Germany schools do not always in accordance with applicable law. Parents and teachers are often overwhelmed with the complexity of the applicable laws.

There are also nationwide no uniform regulation for the handling of children with reading legal writing errors in our schools. The Federal Association for dyslexia has in all 16 federal States Established regional associations (LVL), including training and information sessions on various topics offered. “Such an event at the Landesverband dyslexia and dyscalculia Baden-Wurttemberg e.V. in Freiburg on the subject of compensation for students with reading legal writing errors from the following: most common errors of administrative provision for children and young people with disabilities and special educational needs in Baden-Wurttemberg” by wife Johanna ornamental. Shown grouped together: false: dyslexia is an excuse for lazy and stupid students. Right: Dyslexia is a part failure to read and right write performance, which is due to not enough exercise or not lack of talent.

Wrong: Statement of the school: at our school, the regulations will not apply. Right: The schools are obliged v. a. in accordance with the principle of equal treatment (article 3, paragraph 1, basic law) the administrative provision of Office due, i.e. without a special request of the student or the Parents themselves to apply.